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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 23 and Hwy 7

Clara City

About this project

In 2021, MnDOT, Clara City, Chippewa County, and the Highway 23 Coalition partnered to conduct a safety study evaluating different intersection options to improve safety and traffic movement

The recommendation of the study is to convert the intersection to an all-way stop control layout with LED stop signs at both the Hwy 23 and Hwy 7 approaches

An all-way stop control will best serve the needs of this intersection to meet traffic volume capacity and decrease crash risk


Summary of work

Hwy 23

  • Left turn lanes will be removed to lessen confusion at the all-way stop controlled intersection
  • The stop sign in the median will be placed closer to the through lane
  • New LED (light emitting diode) stop signs will be installed
    • an LED stop sign is a traffic sign that lights up with energy efficient lights to make it easier for drivers to see, especially at night or in bad weather. The bright lights help grab attention, making it safer for drivers to notice the stop sign from farther away.

Hwy 7

  • Permanent and temporary signage will be installed to guide motorists
  • Rumble strips will be installed to alert motorists and enhance safety
  • New LED stop signs will be installed

A final study report is available (PDF)